Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Somewhere To Think

There are a number of evidence-based, critical thinking groups in and around Brisbane and South East Queensland.  I know of a number of them, but no doubt there are others that I am as yet unaware of.  To remedy the situation for not only myself but for anyone who lives in or is visiting South East Queensland, I have set up as a portal to these groups.

So, if you know of any evidence-based, critical thinking groups around SEQ that are not on the list, please send me the URLs so I can add them and keep in contact with their organizers.

Also, if you would find this portal of benefit of benefit to you or someone you know and you/they aren't in South East Queensland, ping me and let me know - ultimately I would like to see this portal used in other areas, but I had to start somewhere and as they say, there's no place like home! :)


The Outspoken Wookie

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